Chinese Medicine is Over 4,000 Years Old!
For more than 4,000 years, the Chinese have cultivated a system of medicine deeply rooted in holistic principles. Chinese medicine is based on the concept of Qi and in the theory of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture is one of many modalities used in Chinese medicine to achieve health and restore balance to the body. Acupuncture can be used to treat virtually all medical conditions. It is often combined with other healing modalities to achieve optimal results.
For more than 4,000 years, the Chinese have cultivated a system of medicine deeply rooted in holistic principles. Chinese medicine is based on the concept of Qi and in the theory of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture is one of many modalities used in Chinese medicine to achieve health and restore balance to the body. Acupuncture can be used to treat virtually all medical conditions. It is often combined with other healing modalities to achieve optimal results.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of a sterilized acupuncture needle into a specific point on the body. Inserting a needle into the skin will increase the flow of blood and Qi through out the body. It will also cause your endorphins to be released which will relieve pain, reduce stress, and help you to sleep better at night. Each acupuncture point, when needled, will promote a healing response in the body.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions. For a complete description Click Here
Commonly Treated Conditions
Traditional Chinese Medicine can virtually treat all medical conditions. To view some of the most commonly treated conditions, Click Here
Your First Treatment
Your first acupuncture treatment at Bodyscapes will run approximately 45-60 minutes (two hours if getting a consultation). Treatment occurs in a quiet, private room on a comfortable massage table. A heated table pad and an infrared TDP heat lamp may be used to keep your body warm. Soothing music and soft lighting are used to create a relaxing atmosphere. Depending on your individualized treatment plan, your session may involve massage therapy, gentle acupuncture, accessory techniques such as moxibustion, guasha, cupping, electrical stimulation, hot or cold packs, and aromatherapy.
How should you prepare?
You will want to wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment and eat lightly before you arrive. Give yourself ample time for your appointment so you don't have to rush. You want to enjoy and savor every minute of your treatment.
Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of a sterilized acupuncture needle into a specific point on the body. Inserting a needle into the skin will increase the flow of blood and Qi through out the body. It will also cause your endorphins to be released which will relieve pain, reduce stress, and help you to sleep better at night. Each acupuncture point, when needled, will promote a healing response in the body.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions. For a complete description Click Here
Commonly Treated Conditions
Traditional Chinese Medicine can virtually treat all medical conditions. To view some of the most commonly treated conditions, Click Here
Your First Treatment
Your first acupuncture treatment at Bodyscapes will run approximately 45-60 minutes (two hours if getting a consultation). Treatment occurs in a quiet, private room on a comfortable massage table. A heated table pad and an infrared TDP heat lamp may be used to keep your body warm. Soothing music and soft lighting are used to create a relaxing atmosphere. Depending on your individualized treatment plan, your session may involve massage therapy, gentle acupuncture, accessory techniques such as moxibustion, guasha, cupping, electrical stimulation, hot or cold packs, and aromatherapy.
How should you prepare?
You will want to wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment and eat lightly before you arrive. Give yourself ample time for your appointment so you don't have to rush. You want to enjoy and savor every minute of your treatment.
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