Acupuncture - the missing link
For people with depression, acupuncture could be the missing link in a complete management plan. A new study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, shows that adding acupuncture or counseling to usual care for depression could help to decrease symptoms of the condition in the short- to medium-term. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a pilot study on the effects of acupuncture on depression in women. The results of this study showed that acupuncture was at least as effective as either drugs or psychotherapy and there are no side effects! When acupuncture is combined with Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese Nutritional Therapy, and various other lifestyle modifications, the effects are even greater. Western drugs and depression Although a whole family of anti-depressant drugs, such as Prozac and Zoloft, have brought relief to millions of patients, these drugs do have unpleasant or unacceptable side effects in many patients. In addition, these drugs do not cure depression; they only manage its symptoms. Few patients relish the idea of staying on such medication their whole lives. |
Treating depression with Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine has been used to treat depression successfully for more than 2,000 years. It incorporates various healing modalities such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage therapy, Chinese nutritional therapy, exercise, and meditation. Using Chinese medicine to treat depression actively engages a patient in his/her journey to find health and happiness. Can You Combine Western & Chinese Medicine? Absolutely. In many cases, such a combination is the best and quickest way of treating depression. Acupuncture and other healing modalities can be used to lessen or eliminate the side effects of Western anti-depressants, as well as treat the root cause and imbalances in the body. Weekly counseling sessions with a professional counselor are also an important part of overcoming depression . Symptoms of depression
Flossmoor Commons Professional Building 3235 Vollmer Rd. Ste. 204 Flossmoor, IL 60422 Phone: : 847.864.6464 Fax: 773.672.7084 Email: [email protected] Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 10:00am-7:00pm Sunday Morning Yoga, 9:30am-10:45am Monday: Dance classes 6:30pm-8:45pm. Saturday closed. |
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