Belly Dance Fundamentals
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Class is full. Registration is closed for this class.
Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Begins Sept. 14th.
Tuition: $112 (8 classes). $98 with discount.
This fun class is designed for the beginner student with little or no prior belly dance experience. Students will learn basic belly dance technique including undulations, articulations, turns, traveling steps, connecting steps, and shimmies. A full year (5 full sessions) of Fundamentals (or instructor consent) is required before moving onto Level II. Take a chance, belly dance!
Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm. Begins Sept. 14th.
Tuition: $112 (8 classes). $98 with discount.
This fun class is designed for the beginner student with little or no prior belly dance experience. Students will learn basic belly dance technique including undulations, articulations, turns, traveling steps, connecting steps, and shimmies. A full year (5 full sessions) of Fundamentals (or instructor consent) is required before moving onto Level II. Take a chance, belly dance!