How to Receive a Massage

Although massage has become more common as part of our contemporary cultural experience, many people do not get the most out of a massage through lack of knowing a few simple do's and don'ts:
The recipient's only job is to relax. For those that find this hard to do, here are a couple of hints: breathe deeply and regularly, stressing the exhalation; allow the body and its parts to become very heavy and sink into the table; as the therapist's hands locate areas of tension, consciously try to let go and relax these areas.
Close your eyes. See with your sense of touch. Feel your body both inside and out. Closing one's eyes during the massage experience tends to bring one's center of energy out of your head and into the body.
Talk, for the most part, is distracting and unnecessary. Good massage requires concentration on the part of the therapist. Great massage is a result of meditation between therapist and recipient. However, feel free to give feedback if any manipulation is uncomfortable or if you would like something done longer or differently. It is you who has come to this encounter to feel good.
Just lie there. Allow the therapist to move your limbs into whatever position is required. Be a rag doll. Don't try to be helpful. Simply receive. The therapist is a trained professional who knows what he or she is doing and will not hurt you. Follow his or her hints or suggestions with confidence.
If emotions surface, do not be afraid to give them expression. The body is the seal of the emotions. Sometimes during massage these emotions will come up and it is a great benefit if these can be let go of and worked through. At the very least, do not be afraid to sigh with relaxation or hum with pleasure.
The recipient's only job is to relax. For those that find this hard to do, here are a couple of hints: breathe deeply and regularly, stressing the exhalation; allow the body and its parts to become very heavy and sink into the table; as the therapist's hands locate areas of tension, consciously try to let go and relax these areas.
Close your eyes. See with your sense of touch. Feel your body both inside and out. Closing one's eyes during the massage experience tends to bring one's center of energy out of your head and into the body.
Talk, for the most part, is distracting and unnecessary. Good massage requires concentration on the part of the therapist. Great massage is a result of meditation between therapist and recipient. However, feel free to give feedback if any manipulation is uncomfortable or if you would like something done longer or differently. It is you who has come to this encounter to feel good.
Just lie there. Allow the therapist to move your limbs into whatever position is required. Be a rag doll. Don't try to be helpful. Simply receive. The therapist is a trained professional who knows what he or she is doing and will not hurt you. Follow his or her hints or suggestions with confidence.
If emotions surface, do not be afraid to give them expression. The body is the seal of the emotions. Sometimes during massage these emotions will come up and it is a great benefit if these can be let go of and worked through. At the very least, do not be afraid to sigh with relaxation or hum with pleasure.